Reparations Bristol Youth Project Fundraiser

Reparations Bristol provide free educational youth projects for young people aged 11 – 16 years. They are mainly from African and Caribbean descent, who are at risk of exclusion from school and society. Such programmes are vital so that young people can avoid the paths which often lead to violence or crime.

Sophie’s 100 Mile Sponsor Walk

Reparations Bristol fundraiser sponsored walk
Sponsor Sophie Brown’s 100 mile walk

Sophie Brown, founder of women’s walking group Bristol Steppin Sistas, will be doing a 100 mile long solo walk. The sponsored walk will be from Bristol to Reading, along the Kennet and Avon Canal.

Sophie will be raising funds for Reparations Bristol, so that they can continue their educational youth projects. Your kind donations will be very much appreciated because young people in our community will benefit a great deal.

The challenge for Sophie is to walk 100 miles in 5 days (20 miles per day) between Bristol and Reading. Sophie is sure to achieve this because she is highly motivated to complete the walk come rain or shine.

The Kennet & Avon Nature Walk

1st May 2023 will be when Sophie leaves from Crew’s Hole, Bristol. The finishing point is at Reading Canal (near the train station) on 5th May 2023. Just in case you’re wondering, Sophie will be stopping at various B&Bs along the way.

Sophie will be filmed walking along the Kennet and Avon Canal nature path. The starting point is at Bristol’s Floating Harbour and the end point is at the River Thames, near the train station in Reading. Although this stretch is about 90 miles long, Sophie will be making a few detours around Leigh Woods to make up the rest of the 100 miles. Shortly after the walk is completed, you will get to see some stunning nature attractions along one of the finest waterways in Southern England.

Learn more about Reparations Bristol

Reparations Bristol Jason Clemmings with celebs
Jason Clemmings & co.

Reparations Bristol was founded by Jason Clemmings and incorporated in March 2021 as a community interest company (CIC). Jason’s ethos is quite simple:-

“We will help to build a sustainable organisation for the forgotten children – the ones who have been excluded from school and the ones who are underachieving in the classroom. It is a community establishment, set up to build a brighter future for all that engage with our organisation. Building on success, every young person matters”.

Reparations Bristol provide a wide range of youth projects at various locations every week. These range from arts & crafts to computer literacy and outdoor gardening. In addition to this, Reparations Bristol also act as mediators between the schools and affected families. Fundraising is required so that we can continue running these valuable initiatives.

Can you help to make young people shine?

Reparations Bristol Youth Activities
Arts & Craft Activities – Reparations Bristol

Sophie chose to do a sponsored walk for Reparations Bristol because she can see the excellent work they do. It’s for the under privileged young people in the Bristol community. We are relying on your kind donations, which will make a positive impact for Reparations Bristol Youth Projects.

Would you care to sponsor Sophie? By making a kind donation you’ll be doing Bristol’s youth a great service, so please donate on the Just Giving page.

Much thanks to our sponsors and partners for their continued support...

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